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In Other News

One of my best and oldest friends Christine and her girlfriend have this creepy mutual love for quizzes, lists, thought webs, pie charts, all sorts of informational mapping systems to help them make sense of their personalities, goals, ambitions and sex lives, well every one’s sex lives actually. They got hooked on the series The L Word earlier this year and in one episode a set of characters who share in this strange fact sorting fetish mapped out who had slept with who in their different social circles; find out which people were connected through mutual partners and such. So of course Christine and Sara made one. I didn’t see it, with our friends I thought it was better I didn’t know, but it’s out there. Recently the two of them did this “Have you ever?” quiz and put it upon their pages. You know the ones that you keep getting sent by those friends who seem a little overzealous about the forward button. By the way, who keeps sending my mother all those cute cat pictures? She send they you everyone you know. Anyway I actually thought this one was kinda cute; I could read through it and just picture them answering each question.

I thought I’d play along, but the stupid thing’s 100 questions. I don’t think I have the attention span for that; so I’m gonna do a few at the end of each entry till I finish the list.

Have you ever…1. Taken a picture naked? I’ve done lots of nude modeling. It’s one of my more rewarding hobbies, and when I’m 80 I can look back on them and cry. As far as taking photos while naked, not often but it’s known to happen.
2. Painted your room? Thrills bubble gum purple at 13, Ikea green at 15, mocha vertical stripes at 18, and now I have an apartment full of canvas so I don’t need to paint the walls (It helps that I’m not allowed).
3. Made out with a member of the same sex? Sure, dude it’s the 21st century. And I’m in collage, ARTcollage. And she totally looked like Willow form Buffy.
4. Drove a car? Before the end of September. Damn it!
5. Danced in front of your mirror? Both at home and at the dance studio.
7. Been dumped? Yeah, but don’t let it get around.
8. Stole money from a friend? Well I did borrow money about 2 years ago from a friend and have yet to pay him back. But I totally plan to. Really! End of September… October-ish. Hey I’m in collage damn it!
9. Gotten in the car with people you didnt know? All the freaking time. I don’t mean to but it seems I just get myself in all these situations were everyone’s going somewhere and I get to go with so and so cause they have room for one more.
10. Been in a fist fight? Not a real all and out fight. I don’t even know what I’d do. I guess I just don’t do things that would make people wanna punch me. Ok that’s not really true. No one’s buying that.

Well here’s a good place to send it out to you. Why to you think you do or do not get into physical fights? What do you think have kept me out of harms way??

Categories: Fire Bug Blog Entrys
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